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Our tips and tricks to preserve the environment in the mountains
In this article, we talk about simple gestures and tips to implement when you go hiking to preserve the environment. By reading it, you will surely retain some ideas that will allow you to do good actions every day!
Travelling with respect for the planet is easy. It is only a question of will...
As we know, global warming has a strong impact on the planet. The mountain is a resource for many people, as long as it is not too polluted...Outdoor activities in the mountains can be very rewarding, but they can also be harmful for the environment if they are not practiced with a responsible attitude.At our level, it is our duty to share with you our tips and ecological gestures in order to preserve biodiversity, because we are convinced that if everyone gets involved, we can accomplish great things!
As Armstrong said "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".
This is exactly the message we want to convey, a small gesture may seem insignificant to you, but imagine if everyone gets involved: don't you think that our small steps will turn into big steps?
What individual eco-gestures have the most impact in the mountains?
Take as little disposable packaging with you on your hike as possible:
This first step should be prepared before you leave. When shopping, choose bulk products from organic stores and take containers from home!
When hiking, glass is a heavy, breakable and cumbersome material, we do not recommend it. On the other hand, you can opt for :
- Fabric bags that are infinitely reusable: to carry dried fruit and nuts.
- Reusable food boxes to carry your snacks. They come in all sizes!
- Cardboard packaging to carry snacks during your breaks :)
- A stainless steel Qwetch type bottle to stop the consumption of plastic bottles or cups, there is nothing worse...
Eat local, even in hiking!
To reach a hike, you always pass by a city or a village by car, so take advantage of it to pass by a local specialized store. There are always local specialties to discover: cheeses, vegetables, fruits, cold cuts, drinks... In any case, we don't pass by!
By tasting local products, you will appreciate your escapade all the more.
We try not to take too much to avoid wasting food.
For example, on our trips to Savoie, we buy beaufort cheese, dry sausages from Savoie or even Génépi (we shouldn't say that too much :))
Don't forget to take one or two cloth bags to throw your waste in.
If you want to live an eco-responsible experience in group or alone with an experienced guide, it's right here.
Don't leave anything in your path
This advice may seem logical to some but not to others... We still see garbage in incredibly beautiful places and it hurts us a lot.
We will never repeat it enough but check well before leaving your picnic spot if you did not forget a bag or even fruit or vegetable peelings.
Of course, peelings do not pollute but it is still visual pollution!
If you are close to a parking lot with garbage cans and you see some waste, if possible, pick it up and throw it away... You will have done a good deed!
Small eco-responsible gestures to wash yourself in the mountains
If you are trekking in France or abroad and you go on an adventure for several days with your tent, you will go through the cleaning stage at one time or another!
When this time comes, avoid wipes... It's convenient, but it's not a good thing for the environment:
- Instead, opt for dry shampoos and solid soaps, for example Marseille soap which can be bought without packaging in supermarkets. You can also use it to wash your hair if you don't have dry shampoo, your dishes and even to clean a wound!
- Concerning the toothpaste, choose a solid or powder toothpaste and a reusable or bamboo toothbrush. You can find toothpaste in organic stores or you can also make it yourself!
- The same goes for solid deodorants.
- Concerning sun cream, you can find it in bulk with a returnable bottle, especially in organic stores. Be sure to use an environmentally friendly sunscreen if you swim in rivers!
- For women, we know that girl problems are never nice to have... Opt for a MoonCup, it's ecological, comfortable and you won't need to change a sanitary napkin every 2 hours ;)
In short, how to be green to preserve the environment and act to protect OUR planet in the mountains?
Our little tips :
- Wrap your snacks in beeswax-coated fabrics that replace cellophane and aluminum foil, which are both dangerous for your health and for the planet.
- Use a stainless steel water bottle.
- Buy a filtering gourd or carafe to be on the safe side!
- Take cloth or organic cotton bags (unlimited life span)
- Carry tote bags to use as garbage cans.
- Buy in bulk in organic stores.
- Wash yourself with solid, powder or liquid products with returnable bottles.
- Give a second life to objects when you can!
You now have all the keys in hand to enjoy beautiful routes without leaving any traces behind you through eco-friendly gestures!
If you have other tips or golden rules as responsible and environmentally conscious hikers, please share them with us on Instagram (@espritmontagneguides) to help as many people as possible in their evolution towards "zero waste".
Our team strives to create trips that respect biodiversity and local economies, these values are important to us...
To learn more about our philosophy, click here!
What behaviors to adopt at home to preserve the environment?
There are several ways to adopt sustainable green behaviors and thus contribute to the preservation of the environment:
- One of the main things to do is to sort your waste by reducing, reusing and recycling as much as possible. Reduce your consumption by opting for sustainable products and avoiding excessive packaging, you can go to the organic department or go to Biocoop!
Throw glass away in the glass containers and not in the regular trash.
- Save energy by turning off lights when you leave a room and unplugging electronics and phone chargers. Use renewable energy sources whenever possible.
- Eat responsibly by choosing locally and sustainably produced foods. In your shopping cart, choose organic and seasonal products, and this will allow you to think of new recipes :)
- Use sustainable transportation, prefer public transportation, carpooling, biking or walking when you can. If possible, choose the train and not the plane to reduce your carbon footprint...
- Educate others, share your knowledge of the environment with those around you. Make them aware of environmental issues and encourage them to adopt sustainable behaviors. The small daily gestures practiced by a mass of people will help the environment.
Ideas: what concrete ecological actions and gestures to make on a daily basis?
- Set your thermostat to a reasonable temperature (19°) and choose appropriate clothing rather than constantly changing the temperature, you will reduce your electricity consumption ;)
- Use reusable bags when you do your shopping.
- Compost your kitchen waste to reduce waste sent to landfill: you can put eggshells, coffee grounds or your fruit and vegetable peelings.
- Buy sustainable and quality products, avoid impulse buying.
- Choose brands that are committed to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.
- Repair or give a second life to objects before throwing them away. Let your creativity speak for itself :)
We repeat it, but don't forget that every little action counts, and that your daily commitment can have a significant impact on the preservation of the environment.